5 Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Breast Health

31st Oct 2016

You're all visiting your doctor for an annual physical, right? At least for your well-woman check-up? Let this be a reminder for you, if not. And while you're in there, make sure to bring up breast health with your provider!

KnowRidge Science Report offers a handy list of 5 questions we should all be asking our providers (if they don't remember to ask us first). These include:

  • Can I tell you about my family history with breast cancer?
  • Is it time for me to get a mammogram?
  • What are the warning signs of breast cancer?

Sometimes, women don't think to mention breast cancer in older relatives or cancers that appeared later in life...knowing this information and sharing it with a care provider can save your life! Depending on your family history of various cancers, you might need to schedule a mammogram earlier than the standard recommendation.

The article points out that lumps aren't the only warning signs for breast cancer. Itching, bloody discharge, inverted nipples, wrinkled skin on the breast, painless redness, or change in breast volume can all be indicators of a problem. Definitely call your care provider if you are experiencing these symptoms.

And then, for women who are diagnosed with breast cancer, the article suggests two more questions:

  • What type of breast cancer do I have?
  • Is my tumor noninvasive or invasive, and does it express hormone receptors — hormone-positive or hormone-negative?

So, as you're thinking about self-care this month, make sure to include breast health on your list of ways to pamper yourself.